SteelCentral™ Enterprise NetProfiler Appliance Installation Guide
Mechanical and electrical specifications
Disk LEDs
Each disk drive has a green LED. It is necessary to remove the bezel to see the fault indicators. Pull the left end of the
bezel to remove it. To reinstall it, hook the right end on to the chassis first.
Mechanical and electrical specifications
Rack space
The Dispatcher Module requires one rack unit (1U). The Analysis and Expansion Modules each requires two rack
units (2U).
1U Chassis
Regulatory compliance code:
Product models
SCNP-04280-DP Dispatcher Module
Height: 43.6 mm, 1.72 in.
Width 436 mm, 17.2 in.
Depth: 645 mm, 25.4 in.
Dispatcher Module: 20.0 kg, 44 lbs
2U Chassis
Regulatory compliance code:
Product models:
SCNP-04280 Base Module