FS1-6M External MIDI Interface 1.0 p 4
Unfortunately, it is numbered in a way that can create confusion.
As shown on the diagram, the switch is numbered from 0-15.
Most MIDI devices define the MIDI channels as 1-16
So, it is necessary to add 1 to the number on the switch to get the MIDI channel
So, why is the switch labeled wrong?
In the world of electronics and programming, it is not labeled wrong.
It selects one of 16 four digit binary numbers, 0-15 is 0000-1111 in binary.
It is labeled correctly for what it does.
Internally, MIDI gear uses channels 0-15.
Long ago, MIDI manufacturers decided that musicians would be uncomfortable.
with channel zero, so they decided to add a 1 to the actual value.
Counting From Zero
As you may or may not know, computer programmers start counting from zero instead
of one.
Most people would count a list of items like this:
One, two, three, I have three items.
A programmer would do the same if he was counting the items, but if he was using
numbers as names he would name the first item "item number zero," the second would
be called "item number one" and the third "item number two." Programmers call this
process enumerating the items.
Why do programmers do this?
Here is an example:
If you are standing in front of your house, how far do you have to walk to get to your
neighbor? You have to walk ONE house unit away.
How far do you have to walk to get to your OWN house? Since you are already standing
in front of your house, you have to walk ZERO house units away.
Zero is the starting point, you move from zero some number of units.
Programmers frequently deal with lists of things. The same logic applies to these lists. If
you are looking at the first item in a list, how far do you have to move to look at the
second? You have to move ONE unit.
How far do you have to move to look at the first item? Since you are already looking at
it, you move ZERO.