Example 1:
in a region with the values "5/3/1", red, blue, and yellow have 4
Caballeros each, and green has 3 Caballeros.
Scoring: red, blue, and yellow get 3 points for the 2nd rank. Green takes the
third rank and scores 1 point.
Example 2:
in a region with the values "6/4/2", red has 4 Caballeros, blue 3,
and yellow and green have 2 Caballeros each.
Scoring: red gets 6 points and blue 4 points. Yellow and green have the same
number of Caballeros, slide back one place in the ranking, and get no points
in 4th place.
King’s Bonus
Every time the King's region is scored (even special scorings due to action
cards), the player with the most Caballeros in that region receives an
additional 2 points
. The King's Bonus is lost if no player possesses a majority
(i.e. if there is a tie for first).
Home region bonus
If a player possesses the majority in the region where his Grande stands when
that region is scored, he receives an
additional 2 points
. The bonus is lost if
there is a tie for first in this region. Some action cards allow players to move
their Grandes and, thus, change their home regions.
The two mobile scoreboards come into play via the action cards and are used to
alter the value of a region.
The game ends after the third general scoring. Whoever has progressed the
furthest along the success track is the winner and has earned the title of "El
English translation and editing by Jay Tummelson
For their help in testing, and their many comments and suggestions, the author and the publisher thank
Barbara and Dieter Hornung, Gunthart von Chiari, Alexander Martel, Andreas Trieb, Karl-Heinz
Schmiel, Joe Weigand, Hannes Wildner, “Spanish expert“ Birgit Irgang, Christoph Wittkowski, Clemens
Deimann, Martin Restle, Jürgen P. K. Grunau, Horst-Rainer Rösner, Juliane and Rolf Krüsemann, the
Stuttgart Kronisten, Sergio Baluci, and the Pöppel Company in Ludwigsburg.
© 1996 Hans im Glück Verlags-GmbH
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this game, please write:
Rio Grande Games
P O Box 45715
Rio Rancho, NM 87174-5715
You may also want to visit our web site at www.riograndegames.com.
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Mobile scoreboard