Rinnai INFINITY Deluxe controller OIM 01-20 |
Water temperature control
Controllers allow precise temperature control by the user. When used correctly, the hot water unit
will deliver the selected water temperature, even when the water flow is varied, or when more than
one tap is in use.
Only the Kitchen Deluxe controller can be designated as the master water controller, typically,
as the name suggests, the location for this is in the kitchen. All the remaining controllers are
designated sub-controllers and are for use in bathrooms, toilets, and laundries. The maximum
temperature for sub-controllers is 50 °C, to minimise the risk of burns.
Any controller that has priority is capable of setting the water temperature to be delivered. Priority
can only be given to one controller at a time, and changing priority can only be done when all hot
water taps have been closed.
Available controller temperatures are:
Temperature °C
37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 55, 60*, 65*, 75*
Bathroom (hot water)
37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50
Bathroom (bath fill)
37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48
* Some Rinnai water heaters can be programmed to deliver higher temperatures from the master
water controllers, i.e. in commercial applications
To obtain water temperatures lower than 37 °C, open the cold water tap and add cold water until
the desired lower temperature is reached.
The hot water temperature is constantly monitored by a built-in sensor. If the hot water temperature
rises to more than 3 °C above the selected temperature, the burner will automatically go out. The
in-use indicator on the controller display will also go out. The burner will ignite again once the
outgoing hot water temperature reaches the temperature set on the controller.
Water controller configurations
A maximum of
(three for the N-Series) water controllers can be fitted, with the following
• Only ONE master controller can be installed. This can be a MC-100V1Z or a MC-601
(Universal controller). If a MC-100V1Z is fitted it will always function as a master controller.
• Up to a maximum of two Bathroom Deluxe controllers can be installed.
• The fourth controller in any installation MUST BE a MC-601 Universal controller (not applicable
for the N-Series).