1 . 3
Be sure to note the build-up of flue gases
under unfavourable weather conditions
(Weather inversion) and the flue draft
If too little air for combustion is taken in,
this can lead to fumes in the room in which
the appliance is located, or result in the
escape of flue gases. In addition, damaging
deposits can be formed in the appliance
and in the chimney.
In the event of the escape of fumes, let the
fire go out and check that all the air inlet
openings are unobstructed and that the
flue gas ducting and flue are clean. In case
of doubt, advise a registered chimney
sweep, since inadequate draft conditions
may be associated with your chimney.
1 . 4
Before adding new fuel, rake the existing
incandescent residue into a single bed of
1 . 5
Only use the tool specified in our range of
accessories for the purpose of raking the
material together and ensure that no glowing
ashes fall from the combustion chamber
onto combustible material.
1 . 6
Brown coal briquettes, separated by about
a finger’s breadth should be laid in a single
layer on the glowing material.
1 . 7
When opening the doors on your appliance
and when actuating the controls, use the
tools provided with your heater for these
purposes, i.e. the protective gloves and the
operating tools.
1 . 8
Heating appliance - Construction type 1
(BA 1):
This must only be operated with the fire-
box door closed.
1 . 9
The fire box door must only be opened for
the charging of fuel and must then be clo-
sed again, otherwise this can lead to the
endangering of other fire places/heating
appliances also connected to the chimney.
1 . 9 .1
When the appliance is not being used, the
firebox door should be kept closed.
1 .10
The use of wet material as fuel, with too
much throttling , can lead to sooting-up of
the chimney, i.e. to the deposit of easily
flammable substances such as soot and tar,
possibly leading to a chimney fire.
Should this occur, close all air inlets and
flaps. Call the fire service and withdraw to a
place of safety, together with all the
occupants of the building.
Caution: Due to the size of the fire box door,
it is necessary, particularly during heating up,
when the flames are high, not to open the
door too abruptly, in order to prevent the
emergence of flames from the appliance.