Thank you for purchasing the Mini Air Mouse Keyboard! , Wireless
Mini QWERTY Keyboard d& Air Mouse Combo, with USB
interface receiver. You can use it for emails, chat, listen to music, or
to enjoy your favorite games. It is compatible with HTPC,TV BOX
running Android systems.It also supports the Sony Playstation3. Use
it with your HTPC on your Sofa or browse the internet in the most
comfortable fashion.
This is also a universal infrared remote controller with learning
function.The remote control has a powerful ability to identify
unknown format with a wide and reliable range of learning formats
which means about 99.9% TV infrared remote control on the market
can be learnt .After learning the signals can be transmitted with high
precision with a wide learning range(20kHz~60kHz) and a small
frequency error(
8-channel infrared remote control learning function
Source code quickly learn other remote control via infrared remote
control of the device
Windows multimedia control keys the (GOOGLE TV hotkey)
Wireless audio and online voice dialogue