Chapter 2 Functions of the Front Panel
VNA User Guide
If an active marker exists currently, then activate a reference marker at the
current marker; otherwise activate both the reference marker and Delta
marker at the same time at the center frequency.
When you change the position of the Delta marker, the position of the
reference marker remains unchanged, but the frequency (or distance)
difference between the two markers will change along with it.
The frequency (or distance) difference between the two markers and the
amplitude difference between them are displayed in the measurement
result bar at the upper-left corner of the screen.
Turns off the marker currently selected. Then, the marker information displayed
on the screen and the functions concerning the marker will also be disabled.
Reference Marker
Sets the reference marker for the current marker. By default, the reference marker is
the marker next to it.
Each marker can have another marker to be its reference marker.
Any marker cannot take itself to be the reference marker.
If the current marker is a Delta marker, the measurement result of the marker
will be determined by the reference marker.
Marker Frequency
Sets the frequency of the marker to change the position of the marker on the trace.
Press this key to modify the value to change the position of the marker.
Table 2-45 Marker Frequency
center frequency of the currently
selected trace
Fstart to Fstop
GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step
span/(number of sweep points - 1)
Left/Right Arrow Key Step
Up/Down Arrow Key Step
step = span/10
In DTF measurement, when the trace you selected currently is in the
frequency-domain trace window,
Marker Frequency
is grayed out and disabled.
Marker Distance
It is only available for DTF. Sets the marker distance to change the position of the
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