Chapter 2 Constant Voltage Test
DP1116A Performance Verification Manual
Transient Response Time
Transient response time refers to the time required for the output voltage of the
power supply to recover to within 15 mV following a transient variation in the load
current (50% transient variation, the output current changes from full load to half
load or vice versa). As shown in Figure 2-3, t is the transient response time. In the
following section, the transient response times at 16V/10A scale and 32V/5A scale
are tested.
Figure 2-3 Transient Response Time
Transient Response Time
Less than 50 μs for output voltage to recover to within 15 mV following a change in output
current from full load to half load or vice versa.
Test Procedures:
Turn off DP1116A. Connect DP1116A, AC power supply, electronic load and
oscilloscope according to Figure 2-1. Make sure that the programmable
electronic load is in CC mode.
Turn on the AC power supply and set its voltage to 220 V.
Note: the value set in this step should be accordance with the value selected by
the voltage selector in the rear panel of DP1116A.
Turn on DP1116A. Press 16V/10A at the front panel to set the scale to be
tested to 16V/10A. Set the voltage and current of the scale to be tested
according to Table 2-4. Press On/Off to enable the output of the power supply.
Set the parameters of the electronic load:
Dynamic response mode; rising edge and falling edge time: 250 mA/us;
frequency: 1 kHz; duty cycle: 50%; two current values: High Level is the rated
output current and Low Level is the half-load current of the scale to be tested
(refer to Table 2-4). Turn on the electronic load.