FlexShaft™ Drain Cleaning Machine
999-995-214.10_REV. B
or breaking of the cable. Twisting, kinking or break-
ing cable may cause striking or crushing injuries.
One person must control both the cable as-
sembly and foot switch. If the cable stops rotat-
ing, the operator must be able to turn the tool OFF
to prevent twisting, kinking and breaking of the
cable and reduce the risk of injury.
Follow operating instructions to reduce the
risk of injury from twisted or broken cable,
cable ends whipping around, machine tipping,
chemical burns, infections and other causes.
1. Make sure that machine and work area is
properly set-up and that the work area is
free of bystanders and other distractions.
2. Pull cable assembly from the machine
and feed into drain. At least 1' (0.3 m) of
cable must be in drain so that the chain
knocker will not come out of the drain and
whip around when the machine is started.
Directly route the cable assembly from
the machine cable outlet to the drain
opening, minimizing exposed cable and
changes in direction. Do not tightly bend
the cable assembly – this can increase
the risk of twisting or breaking.
If using a camera to view the drain clean-
ing process, the camera can be fed in
at the same time. Typically the cable as-
sembly and the camera push rod can be
gripped and advanced/retrieved at the
same time. Keep the camera at least 1.5’
( 0.5 m) behind the chain knocker.
Do not allow the spinning chain
knocker to hit the camera head/push rod.
It can damage it.
3. Assume a proper operating position to
help maintain control of the cable assem-
bly and machine
(see Figure 8)
• Be sure you can quickly release the
foot switch.
• Your gloved hands must be on the ca-
ble assembly to control and support as
the cable assembly is fed into the drain
and blockage.
• Be sure that you have good balance, do
not have to overreach, and cannot fall
on machine, drain, etc.
• You must be able to reach the REV/O-
OFF/FOR switch.
This operating position will help to main-
tain control of the cable assembly and
FlexShaft Machine.
Figure 8 – In Operating Position
4. Confirm that at least 1' (0.3 m) of cable
assembly is in the drain.
5. Grasp the exposed cable assembly with
both gloved hands equally spaced and
pull 6"-12" (150mm - 300mm) of cable out
of the drum so that there is a slight bow
in the cable. Gloved hands must be on
the cable to control and support the cable.
Improper cable support can allow the cable
to kink or twist and can damage the cable
or injure the operator. Make sure that the
cable outlet of the drain cleaner is within 4'
(1.2 m) of the drain opening
(Figure 8)
6. Move the REV/O-OFF/FOR switch to FOR
(Forward) position.
7. Depress the foot switch to start the ma-
chine. The person controlling the cable
must also control the foot switch. Do not
operate the drain cleaner with one person
controlling the cable and another person
controlling the foot switch. This can lead to
twisting, kinking and breaking of the cable.
8. The FlexShaft Drain Cleaning Machine uti-
lizes high rotational speed and low torque
to clean drains. FlexShaft cable assem-
blies are more flexible than other types
of drain cleaning cables. The FlexShaft
machine is best used by applying light
pressure and slowly working the chain
knocker into the blockage.
It’s important
to let the speed of the chain knocker
clean the drain – do not force chain
knockers into blockages.
4' (1.2 m) MAX.
4' (1.2 m) MAX.
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