PTCS-7S Computerized Embroidery Machine Operation Manual V2.1
In the manual color changing and manual starting mode, set color changing sequences are
not available.
4.3-8 Embroidering Float Mode Switching
Embroidering mode switching is mainly to skip certain section on your design. The user can
move the embroidery needle to specified location via float embroidering.
In operation status interface, press
key to change embroidering mode. Change one
mode to another by pressing the key once (cycle changing) and the key display is changed along
with it. The embroidering modes are
low speed
float mode embroidering,
high speed float mode embroidering and
position float mode.
Low speed floats embroidering (low speed fast forwarding):
In the stop status, press the start key and the main axis will not move. The hoop moves along
as if it were embroidering. Press stop key to stop low speed forwarding.
In stop status, press stop key (low speed backing), and main axis will not move. The hoop is
backed along the embroidering stitches. Press stop key again to stop low speed backing.
High speed floats embroidering (high speed forwarding):
In stop status, press start key, the main axis and the hoop will not move. On the screen the
cross section which indicates needle position will move as if it were embroidering. Press stop key,
the hoop is moved forward towards that position directly.
In stop status, press stop key (high speed backing), main axis and the hoop will not move.
On the screen the cross section which indicates needle position will move as if it were
embroidering. Press stop key again, and the hoop is moved backward towards that position
Manual positioned float embroidering:
In stop status, the key on right side is switched to the manual position operation interface.
Forward position: After pressing
key, a keyboard pops out. Press number key to
input required forward position in stitch count. Press
key and the hoop is moved to
specified stitch and stopped automatically.