JOB Navi. function: your virtual assistant.
Auto-generate HTML files and get your images online
Auto-generate HTML files and get your images online
quickly and easily.
Shoot your images in or
Shoot your images in order
der, and let the camera keep
, and let the camera keep
track of them.
track of them.
By selecting captured images and simply slotting them into an HTML template, you
can generate a complete HTML file very rapidly. This file can then be uploaded to your
web site using the RDC-i700's FTP Upload function.
Create and play back powerful multimedia pr
eate and play back powerful multimedia presentations.
Once you've captured your images, you can edit them on the RDC-i700. Select the
desired files you want in the memory. Specify file order and playback time. These are
just a few of the easy-to-use editing functions at your disposal. When you're done, play
back the presentation on the RDC-i700's own LCD screen, or alternatively, connect
the unit to a TV monitor.
Play back presentation
Select image files
Edit presentation
ata Management
Presentation menu
Create Image Capture
Guide List
Transfer list
to RDC-i700
Transfer images
to PC
Follow on-screen
instructions while
shooting images
Images slot
into list
Final document
is assembled
Generate HTML file
Capture images
File posted on web
Upload file by FTP
Here's a handy feature that can help you take on the biggest jobs with ease. Using one
of the sample template files in Microsoft Word or Excel included on the Software CD
supplied, build an Image Capture Guide List and transfer it to the RDC-i700.
As you shoot the images according to your list, the camera keeps track of each one.
Then, when your images are transferred to your computer, they link up again with the
source file. Your final document builds itself, automatically.(Windows only)
JOB Navi. button
Work smarter. You'll b
e surprised how much you can delegate to the RDC- i700.
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