256-point light sensor
Auto-bracket and white
balance bracket
Movie making and voice recording!
Prevent situations such as washing out in bright
areas and losing detail in dark areas through the
Caplio G3’s 256-point light sensor that establishes
perfect exposure automatically under diverse
shooting conditions including flash-lit close-ups. The
Caplio G3 also offers center-weighted and spot
metering that incorporates auto-bracketing.
Be the director and capture 120 seconds of AVI
video with sound, record convenient “voice memo”
stamps of up to 10 seconds to photos taken, or use
the Caplio G3 as a multipurpose voice recorder.
Quick review, quick smile!
T a k e a d v a n t a g e o f “ Q u i c k R e v i e w ” b y s i m p l y
pressing a button to instantly display the most
recently taken image – there's no need to switch to
a different mode!
Internal 8MB memory and SD card
The Caplio G3 comes equipped with an internal
8MB memory chip and can use optional Secure
Digital memory cards. These next-generation
multimedia storage devices are fast, reliable and
a r e c o m p a t i b l e w i t h a n a r r a y o f m o b i l e a n d
communications equipment. The Caplio G3 is also
compatible with MultiMedia Cards.
Synchro monitor energy efficiency
Conserve energy by utilizing the synchro monitor
mode that turns the monitor on automatically only
when the shutter button is pressed to preview a shot
or operate the zoom. This mode greatly extends
battery life and the potential number of total shots.
The handy auto-bracketing function allows you to
take three individual shots at different exposure
settings at one time. The same functionality applies
to the white balance bracket settings by applying
t o n e s o f r e d , n o r m a l w h i t e , a n d b l u e t o t h r e e
separate images. This is especially useful when
challenging lighting situations crop up.
Six practical scene modes
The Caplio G3 offers six practical scene modes:
portrait, sports, landscape, night scene, text, and
high-sensitivity – all of which help to optimize results
depending on the shooting situation.
Clever functionality that’s setting the industry standard.
High resolution
3.24-megapixel CCD
The Caplio G3 provides superb color reproduction
and incorporates a new image processor that
reduces noise and enhances quality for even the
largest of prints.
3x optical and 3.4x digital zoom
W i t h a 3 x o p t i c a l z o o m l e n s t h a t d e l i v e r s a c e n t r a l
r e s o l u t i o n o f 3 0 0 l i n e s p e r m i l l i m e t e r p l u s a 3 . 4 x
d i g i t a l z o o m , t h e C a p l i o G 3 p r o v i d e s a n a m a z i n g
10.2x zoom. This is equivalent to a telephoto range of
35-357mm on a regular 35mm film camera.
Pixel-perfect power!
0.14 seconds!
The world’s shortest release time lag*
makes action photography a reality!
Never miss that moment again. With a shutter
response of just 0.14 seconds — faster than
regular 35mm SLR cameras — images are
snapped up practically at the same time you
press the shutter button. Capture the precious
laugh of a child, a jumping dog or even a fast
moving car — nearly anything is possible using
the Caplio G3 with Ricoh’s patented hybrid auto
focusing system technology.
As of February 1, 2003 for all auto focus digital cameras. Speed measured as time
between depressing shutter release button and starting exposure in in auto-focus
mode without using focus lock.
The Caplio G3 is a very simple and
stylish digital camera that was curved
and sculpted to fit comfortably in the
p h o t o g r a p h e r ’ s h a n d . R e n o w n e d
a r c h i t e c t a n d i n d u s t r i a l d e s i g n e r
Masayuki Kurokawa, in collaboration
w i t h i n - h o u s e d e s i g n e r s a t R i c o h ,
developed its unique shape, which
gives you the ability to capture action
o p p o r t u n i t i e s q u i c k l y a n d r e l i a b l y
through its phenomenally fast shutter
response speed.
Long battery life — up to 3500 shots*!
T r a v e l , t r a v e l , t r a v e l ! B y u s i n g t h e o p t i o n a l
rechargeable lithium-ion battery, the Caplio G3 can
take a remarkable 3,500 shots* between recharges,
so you don't need to worry about ever running out of
*A maximum 3,500 shots under power-save mode (flash off, without
zooming, LCD off, with VGA); up to 350 shots under normal usage
conditions (with 50% flash and zoom usage, LCD on, 30 seconds
between shots, reviews of all photos).
Brilliant 1cm macros
C a p t u r e t h e s m a l l e s t o f d e t a i l s , e v e n t h o s e
practically invisible to the human eye, from an
astonishing distance of only 1cm! No other digital
camera in its class
c o m e s t h i s c l o s e
and clear. It is also
has a built-in flash
for shots as close as
16cm, with no white-
out effect.
High-sensitivity mode
In high-sensitivity mode, the screen automatically
illuminates subjects to aid in framing the picture
when in darkened rooms or other dim environments.
Instant PC transfers
Transferring files to a PC couldn’t be easier! Simply
turn off the camera and link the Caplio G3 up via a
USB cable. The Ricoh Gate software installed on
the computer will then instantly start transferring
images to an automatically created folder at a rate of
three megabytes per second. Mac OSX users can
import images with iPhoto while Windows XP users
can take advantage of the WIA driver interface.
Continuous shooting capabilities
Analyze golf swings and other action sequences by
t a k i n g a d v a n t a g e o f t h e C a p l i o G 3 ’ s v a r i o u s
continuous modes. In M-continuous mode, with the
shutter button held down the camera memorizes the
last 16 shots in one file for two seconds of footage.
This comes in handy when you are uncertain about
t h e s t a r t o r f i n i s h o f a p a r t i c u l a r a c t i o n . I n S -
continuous mode, it can take a series of 16 shots in
one file for two seconds of footage with just one
press of the shutter button. When reviewing the 16
shots during playback, each frame can be enlarged
individually, and you can quickly browse back and
forth through all 16 shots to create the feel of an
animated movie.
Choice of three power sources —
AA batteries included.
The Caplio G3 gives you the choice of three ways to
power the unit: an optional rechargeable lithium-ion
battery, AC adapter, or the convenience of two AA
alkaline or nickel metal hydride batteries. This
flexibility is perfect for those regularly on the road.
So comfortable — no other digital camera comes close.
rechargeable lithium-ion battery
regular AA batteries
Designed to feel like an extension of your own hand…
Allowing for faster, more effective shooting possibilities.
Curved precision.
Simplicity that leads
to creation.
M a s a y u k i K u r o k a w a i s a n a r c h i t e c t a n d
industrial designer. He is also a professor of
graduate school at Kanazawa College of Art.
Many of his works have awarded a grand prix,
a special award that was established in 1957
by Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
CaplioG3 inside