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By satisfying FDP_ACC.1(b), FDP_ACF.1(b), FIA_UID.1(a), FIA_UID.1(b), FIA_UID.2, FIA_UAU.1(a),
FMT_MSA.1(b) and FMT_MSA.3(b), which are the security functional requirements for these
countermeasures, O.USER.AUTHORIZED is fulfilled.
The function for 2600.1-SMI (F.SMI), selected SFR Package from the PP, is used in conjunction with the
function whose access control is enforced by FDP_ACC.1(b) and FDP_ACF.1(b). Therefore, the access
control for F.SMI is included with the access control by FDP_ACC.1(b) and FDP_ACF.1(b) and fulfilled.
O.INTERFACE.MANAGED Management of external interfaces by TOE
O.INTERFACE.MANAGED is the security objective to ensure that the TOE manages the operation of
external interface according to the security policy. To fulfil this security objective, it is required to implement
the following countermeasures.
(1) Identify and authenticate the users prior to use the Operation Panel and LAN interface.
FIA_UID.1(a) and FIA_UID.1(b) identify the persons who attempt to use the TOE from the Operation
Panel or client computer on the network, and FIA_UAU.1(a) and FIA_UAU.1(b) authenticate the
identified users.
FIA_UID.2 identifies the persons who attempt to use the TOE from the interface for RC Gate
communication, and FIA_UAU.2 authenticates the persons.
(2) Automatically terminate the connection to the Operation Panel and LAN interface.
FTA_SSL.3 terminates the session after no operation is performed from the Operation Panel or LAN
interface for certain period.
(3) Restricted forwarding of data to external interfaces.
FPT_FDI_EXP.1 prevents the data received from the Operation Panel, LAN interface and telephone
line from being transmitted from the LAN or telephone line without further processing by the TSF.
By satisfying FIA_UID.1(a), FIA_UID.1(b), FIA_UAU.1(a), FIA_UAU.1(b), FIA_UID.2, FIA_UAU.2,
FTA_SSL.3 and FPT_FDI_EXP.1, which are the security functional requirements for these countermeasures,
O.SOFTWARE.VERIFIED Software verification
O.SOFTWARE.VERIFIED is the security objective to ensure that MFP Control Software and FCU Control
Software are verified. To fulfil this security objective, it is required to implement the following
(1) Self-check
FPT_TST.1 checks if the MFP Control Software and FCU Control Software are verified software at the
By satisfying FTP_TST.1, which is the security functional requirement for this countermeasure,