Xiamen RGBlink Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
Ph: +86 0592 5771197 | [email protected] | www.rgblink.com
To show the signal list of all inputs. Drag source from signal list to each display or Container.
Click this icon
and alias of signal could be put in if necessary.
Click this icon
to confirm the alias setting.
After signal is dragged into display, show Layer index Versus Signal index
Numbers on Monitor
Numbers on monitor is to show how many layers at present allowed to put in the monitor .
(each neighboring monitor (5 and 6, 9 and 10) allows to put 8 layers, if there is no neighboring monitor in the
display area, the single monitor can contain 8 layers. For example in one display area, there are monitor 5 and
monitor 6, monitor 5 can contain 8 layer and so does monitor 6)