Rear Panel
4. Antenna 1 input SMA connector. This is the main RF input connector for 0.009 - 56 MHz. This
connector is user selectable or can be configured to automatically switch based on a user specified
frequency range.
5. Antenna 2 input SMA connector. This is the secondary RF input connector for 0.009 - 56 MHz. This
connector is user selectable or can be configured to automatically switch based on a user specified
frequency range.
6. Bidirectional RS-232 3.5mm jack. This port is used for debug and external radio control. Connection
diagram shows wiring used to connect to PC. Switch pins 2/3 to connect to a radio or use a null
modem adapter.
7. 100 Base-T Ethernet connection. Connects to PC or router for IQ mode. Connects to WAN or router
for Cloud mode.
8. Power input. Apply 5 Volts at less than 1 Amp. Do not exceed 5.5 Volts or radio will power off.
June 2015
Cloud-IQ User’s Guide 8