The HN-591 provides reliable wireless connectivity for either point-to-point or point-
to-multipoint applications. The HN-591 is built around the WIT910 radio transceiver,
which employs frequency hopping spread spectrum technology. This technology
Maximum resistance to noise
Maximum resistance to multipath fading
Robustness in the presence of interfering signals
In addition, the HN-591 includes a rechargeable battery pack allowing 2+ hours of
operation without mains power. Battery operation makes the HN-591 ideal for site
surveys. The sleek, rugged styling of the HN-591 enclosure enables deployment in
any environment.
HopNet Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Advantages
In the frequency domain, a multipath fade can be described as a frequency selective
notch that shifts in location and depth over time. Multipath fades typically occupy
five percent of the band. A conventional radio system typically has a five percent
chance of signal impairment at any given time due to multipath fading.
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum reduces the vulnerability of a radio system to
both interference from jammers and multipath fading by distributing or spreading the
signal over a larger region of the frequency band.
The fade resistant, HopNet frequency-hopping technology employs up to 54 channels
and switches channels over 40 times a second to achieve high reliability throughput.
HopNet Data Integrity
An on-board 512B buffer and error correcting over-the-air protocol ensure data
integrity even in the presence of weak signals or jammers. The serial interface
handles both data and control of asynchronous data rates of up to 115Kbps.
Flexible Power Management
The power can be set at 10 milliwatts, 100 milliwatts or 500 milliwatts using the
included software. Reduced power can reduce the size of the coverage zone, which
may be desirable for multiple network indoor applications. You can also place the
transceiver module in a power-save mode, which enables smart power management.
Smart power management allows a remote unit to drop into a lower current standby
mode during transmission or receiving gaps.
This feature also allows Hopnet products to be used in various countries where the
output power requirements may vary due to regulation.
2000- 2004 Cirronet