Crescendo VHF Half-Duplex User Manual
Page 11 of 74
Use the
Device -> Connect to Local Device
menu item to connect to the local device. Once all
the settings have been downloaded from the device, the available configuration groups are displayed in a tree
on the left. The items that can be configured in each group are displayed in tables on the right.
The names of editable items are displayed in black. Read only items have their names in grey.
Changes made to the configuration or protocol mode of the serial port which Cruise Control is using do not
take effect immediately. They take effect when the
button in Cruise Control is pressed, or the
radio is reset.
It is possible to remotely connect to a device over the air by using
Device -> Connect to Remote
and entering the remote address of the device. For best results when using a remote connection:
Do not connect to a remote device through store-and-forward repeaters.
Do not connect to a remote device while a live system is running.
3.2.3 Saving and Loading Configurations
The current configuration of a device can be saved by selecting:
File -> Save As...
: This saves the configuration of the connected device to a selected file.
The configuration can later be re-applied to a device by using the
File -> Upload
option or
viewed using
Tools -> View Saved Configuration
It is recommended that only local devices have their configuration loaded from file. Performing this
operation on a remote device updates only those items that can be edited remotely.
3.3 Terminal Menu Interface
The terminal menu provides access to all configuration parameters in the radio. There are two methods to
access the terminal menu:
Execute the
command at the Hayes AT command interface. See section 3.4 on page 12 for
information on executing AT commands. The terminal menu will not be started when it is open on
another port, or a Hayes dial-up connection is established. In either case the
response is
Select mode 6 on the front panel interface. See section 3.5 on page 13 for information on selecting
front panel modes. This will always result in the menu being opened on the auxiliary port, at 19200
Changes made to the configuration or protocol mode of the serial port which the terminal menu is using do
not take effect immediately. They take effect when the radio is reset.
A full terminal menu reference can be found in Appendix B on page 59.