16. Cut the cutoff siding panel, from step number 13,
to extend 3-1/2" beyond the wall frame.
Cut Edge
Step 7
Assemble Front Wall Panel Continued
Siding Extends
Below Header
Cut Edge
Butt Square E
Tongue Edge
LAP Edge
LAP Edge
For a 12' long building, cut a 70-1/2" long 2x6 board in half. Install one of the 2x6 boards
so the left end is extending 3-1/2" beyond the wall frarme.
11. Cut (2) two 32-1/4" x 6" siding panels to a height of 4-1/2".
12. Locate a 16" wide siding panel that has a 'LAP' edge. Cut the siding to 75-3/4" length. Position
the 'cut' edge flush with the left side of the door opening. Do not nail the LAP edge until the
'left' siding panel is applied.
13. Cut a full width siding panel width to 22-1/2", measuring from the 'Tongue' edge. Install the
panel with the 'cut' edge extending 3-1/2" beyond the left end of the wall frame.
14. Cut another 16" wide panel to a length of 75-3/4" and install with the 'cut' edge flush with
the right side of the door opening.
15. Install the 4-1/2" siding panels over the door opening.
10. Install a 70-1/2" long and the cut off from above.
The end 2x6 will extend 3-1/2" beyond the wall
35-1/4" Long
2x6 Tie Plate
16" Panel with LAP Edge