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Floor, Stamford, CT 06901 T
877 578 2536 E
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Specifications and Installation: RNET-OCC-HV-P-WS-J Occupancy/Vacancy
(2-in-1) Sensor Switch
Voltage ................................................................................. 120/277VAC, 60Hz
Incandescent ........................................................................ 800W
Fluorescent/Ballast ................................................................ 800VA@120VAC /1600VA@277VAC
Motor .................................................................................... 1/4Hp
Time Delay ........................................................................... 15Sec to 30Mins
Light Level ............................................................................ 30 Lux-Daylight
Operation Temperature ......................................................... 32 F-131 F
Passive infrared sensors work by detecting the difference between heat emitted from the human body in motion and the
background space.
The sensor switch can turn a load on and hold it as long as the sensor detects occupancy. After no motion is detected for the
set time delay, the load turns off automatically. The sensor switch has one relay (equal to single pole switch). It also includes
an Ambient Light Level Sensor, Auto Set and Walk-Through features.
Coverage Area
The coverage range of the sensor switch is specified and illustrated in Figure 1. Large objects and some transparent barriers
like glass windows will obstruct the sensors' view and prevent detection, causing the light to turn off even though someone is
still in the detection area.