2) Tour
There are 8 programmable Tours. Each Tour consists of up to 100 Presets.
• Tour Setting:
- Tour Number: The Tour number can be selected in the range 1 - 8.
- Title: Up to 12 characters (Alphanumeric characters and space)
- Repeat: Select number of repetition from Continuous to 90. The default is Continuous.
- Sequence: Select either forward or backward sequence in the Tour position list.
- Delete Tour: Delete the stored Tour Position Setup list of Tour number.
- Tour Position Setup: Open or close the Tour Position Setup as below.
• Tour Position Setup:
- Tour position: The Tour position can be selected in the range 1 ~ 100.
- Preset number: Show the selected Preset number.
- Dwell Time: Select the Dwell Time from 0 to 99 seconds. The default is 3 seconds.
- Speed: Adjust Pan/Tilt/Zoom Speed if you want to a slow movement. The defaults are
maximum Speed.