3.2 Powering up the system
Trouble Shooting
Insert the memory card into the DVR if not already fitted
Press and Hold power key for one second to power hold the power. Press and hold the power
key for two seconds to power off the system.
After system power on, adjust the camera viewing position again if necessary.
No camera picture
The power supply adaptor
for the monitor camera(s)
is not plugged in.Camera
o u t o f r a n g e . L o c a t e
c a m e r a c l o s e r t o t h e
Poor picture quality
Clean the camera lens.
A white image appears at night
The camera's infra-red
LEDs shine invisible light
that reflects of surfaces
such as glass causing
white light. Place the
camera on the other side of
windows to try to improve
the night vision or place in
a well lit area.