Revision 1.2D
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ML Switch User Guide
Please Note
The specifications of the product detailed on this
Set-Up Guide may change without notice. RDM
Ltd. shall not be liable for errors or for incidental
or consequential damages, directly and indirectly,
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Ensure that all power is
switched off before
installing or maintaining
this product
PR0109-PHI user guide
The PR0109-PHI hardware version of the ML Switch allows for EEV control on an island by island basis. It also allows for the use of the
energy feature trim control which pulses the trim relay of a ML case controller based on the actual shop floor humidity therefore
minimising energy usage.
Island EEV Control Application
Product PR0109-PHI is intended for EEV control on an Island by island basis. A suction pressure transducer is connected to the 4-20mA
input and the pressure read from this transducer is converted to a temperature based on the gas type being used by the system. This
temperature is transmitted to each controller connected to the ML Switch and along with the suction temperature probe local to the
controller the superheat is calculated.
Unlike the PR0109 (Standard ML Switch version) when this product is used with a Data Manager it is registered on the system as a
device. Once the ML Switch is on-line, the Switch type and parameters can be set up.
The switch comes online with the ID of the 2 rotary switch settings followed by the letter a. For example with the first rotary switch set to 4
and the second switch set to 8 then the switch would appear as device “48a”.
ML Switch Type
There are 4 types: -
Degree C/ Bar
Degree C/ PSI
Degree F/ Bar
Degree F/ PSI
The ML Switch type can be set by navigating to the ML Switch WebPages. This can be achieved by using the Controller Info page in the
Data Manager. Find the IP address assigned to the ML Switch in question from the list. Now connect a laptop onto the IP network on
which the ML Switch is connected. Using a web browser navigate to the IP address of the ML Switch. The homepage of the ML Switch is
shown below:-