Custom and Remote Microphone
CoNtRolS ANd feAtuReS
pRogRam seleCtoR
(Select modelS)
Your ReSound hearing instrument may feature mul-
tiple programs. The selection of programs can be
changed by your hearing healthcare professional.
Please refer to the diagram of your hearing instrument
on the Quick Reference insert for the location of the
program selector.
1. You can switch between programs by pushing
the program selector once.
2. You will hear one or more beeps. The number
of beeps indicates which program you have
3. You can always return to Program 1 by turning
your instrument off and then on again, or by
placing it in stand-by mode (as described in the
following section) and then returning to its stan-
dard mode.
Note: You and your hearing healthcare professional
may wish to record the various listening programs
that have been programmed into your hearing instru-
ment on the Quick Reference insert.
volume ContRol
(Select modelS)
Your ReSound hearing instrument may have an
optional volume control. When wearing your hearing
instrument, you can increase the volume by turning
the volume control toward your face and reduce vol-
ume by turning it toward the back of your head.
For some mod-
els with volume
controls, you will
hear beeps that
increase and de-
crease in loudness
as you adjust your volume
control. For these models,
when you reach the upper or lower limit of the volume
control range, there will be a different type of beep
with a lower pitch. When you reach the limit, even
though the wheel will continue to rotate, no additional
changes in volume will be heard.
For other models with volume controls, you will hear
a change in volume as you adjust the control, but no
beeps will be heard. When you reach the upper or
lower limit of the volume control range, the wheel will
not move any further.
Learning volume control (select models)
On select models, your hearing healthcare profes-
sional may activate a learning volume control. This
feature enables your hearing instrument to learn how
you adjust the volume control in different listening
environments. As it learns your volume preferences,
the instrument eventually changes the volume for you
automatically. This feature can be turned off or reset
by your hearing healthcare professional.