ReSound alera
Congratulations on your new ReSound Alera
TS hearing instrument!
Wearing ReSound Alera
TS hearing instruments enables you to hear sounds that you may
not have heard in years, in addition to assisting in your tinnitus treatment programme.
While some people adjust quickly to wearing hearing instruments and hearing the lost sounds
again, others may need more time. By wearing the instruments regularly you will get accustomed
to the new world of hearing more quickly and soon experience the full benefit of quality listening
and interaction. ReSound Alera
TS can also be a part of your tinnitus treatment programme.
A Tinnitus Sound Generator (TSG) feature emits soothing sounds that can help reduce the
unwanted effects of tinnitus. ReSound Alera
TS instruments have been adjusted according to
your individual hearing loss and tinnitus needs. Familiarising yourself with the functions of your
new hearing instruments will help you get optimal benefit.
ReSound is a registered trade mark of GN ReSound A/S
This user guide is valid for ReSound Alera™ devices including Tinnitus Sound Generator
(TSG) and describes the TSG related topics.
The user guide is only valid in connection with the ReSound BTE user guide, ref. number
17483300, or ReSound RIE user guide, ref. number 17332100.
Hearing instrument model:
Battery size:
Tube type:
Dome size:
Left serial number:
Right serial number: