Advanced Settings
This section contains advanced setting procedures for the 802.11a+g Router. It describes modifications
that normally you may not need for basic system operation. One exception is changing your password:
it is highly recommended that you change the default factory setting as soon as you start to use your
802.11a+g Router.
Operational Mode
Before you start to use the device, you need to select the operational mode to be wireless AP only
or both Internet gateway and wireless AP:
Wireless Access Point only: When this is selected, the router operates in the AP-only
Mode, and connects Wireless Client Users to the Ethernet (WAN).
Internet G Wireless Access Point: When this is selected, the router will function
as an Internet access sharing device as well as a wireless AP.
Internet G Wireless Access Point with WDS Support:
When this is selected,
the router will function as an Internet access sharing device as well as a wireless AP, plus the
mode to participate in the wireless distribution system. This could broaden the WLAN
scope across several AP’s. You should add all the WDS participants' MAC addresses with a
mnemonic name in addition.
When adding a WDS participant, you also have to select the radio (i.e. Radio1 or Radio2) that the
participant will be connected with.