a.. -- - ..
·start rolling up the inllatable. Remember that inflation/deflation tubes are still
stretched behind the inllatable.
·Roll the inflatable all the way as though you were going to attach game straps.
Unrc!I 11ntil you cJn plJcc tt1c 1nfl�tion/deflation tubes 111 front of your partially
game. Make sure you cover any metal buckles or plastic snaps on inflation/deflation
tube to prevent abrasion to play area and inflation/deflation tube.
·sand with game straps. Place game strap ends between metal buckles and the
inflatable to reduce abrasions to tne play area while transportin and storage.
·Place in bag and tie.
'You should be ready for your next rental.
- Roll Diagram -
Lay game out flat.
Seam out all edges.
Fold in 3rd's by
Fold in the other
folding one side in as
side in as shown.
�--- Roll the game into a roll by
starting at the front and
working back towards the
inflation tube. Use an HEC
Services, Inc. game strap
to secure the roll. Place into
a Game Bag or Game Wrap.