• The alarm can be terminated at any time and the alarm system be disarmed by
setting the “mode selection switch” to “OFF”. The system can also be disarmed
by an external key switch.
Perform the system test again to test the alarm zone 1 sensors.
11. System Status Explanation
The system status is displayed by the status LED “EXIT”.
An external status LED (see chapter “7.7 Connection of an External Status LED”)
can also be connected to the alarm system. The external status LED has an identi-
cal function to the status LED “EXIT”.
Status LED
System disarmed
Only the function of the
internal door bell is available. It can
be activated by the correspondingly
connected button.
This system status is present when
the “mode selection switch” is set to
Flashing quickly
System armed
The system is armed.
Flashes slowly
Entry or
The entry or exit delay
exit delay
is currently active.