The first key which is programmed now
flashes on the operating keypad (4). To
program another key, simply press it. Then
press the corresponding key on the origi-
nal remote control.
As soon as the OK display appears, this key is programmed and the next key to
be programmed flashes. If the ERROR display appears, try to carry out programming
this key again.
If a key is assigned a code, the CODE display appears in order to alert you of this.
If you nevertheless assign a new code to this key, the old code is written over.
Repeat the procedure described above until all the keys required have been
programmed. If the first side of the operating keypad (4) has been programmed,
the remote control switches automatically to the second side. This can, however,
also be carried out manually by pressing the device selection key (5).
To switch on the devices automatically when the corresponding device selection
key (5) is pressed, the device selection keys (5) can be programmed using the
POWER feature of the corresponding device. For this, press the desired device
selection key (5) for 3 seconds until it flashes while the universal remote control
is still in LEARN mode. Then press the POWER key of the original remote control
to program this feature as described above for the other keys.
To complete the programming process, press the EXIT key twice.
You can press the EXIT key at all times in order to return to normal mode.