XM-60 and XM-600 multi-axis calibrator
LED status
Flashing amber
Pre-heat cycle
No action required
Solid green
Laser is stabilised
Receiver is not switched on or the wireless communication is
not yet established
Check the receiver is powered on
Solid blue
Wireless communication is established
Software is not running (not synced)
Open Capture in XM mode
Flashing blue
System operational
The software is running and the data is being transmitted from
the receiver
No action required
Solid amber
Laser unstable
Check launch/receiver alignment
If the issue persists, power cycle the laser
If the issue persists, contact local Renishaw office
Flashing or solid red
Error encountered
Check all four beams are present
Power cycle the laser
If the issue persists, contact your local Renishaw office
Diagnostics and troubleshooting
Laser LED
This LED demonstrates the laser status and the wireless communication
with the receiver.