- 2 -
At an angle of 115° there is a lid locking position,
which will hold the lid open in a stable position.
If this position is overstretched, the hinges
could become damaged.
Fig. 3
3. Labelling foil
The non-permanent marker pen provided (7) can
be used to write on the labelling foil (4).
The foil can be removed from the lid in order to
exchange or inscribe the label.
Use the non-reflective side of the foil to write on.
When replacing the foil, clip behind the 4 mount-
ing points which can be found on the lid. Firstly,
bend the retaining flaps towards the matt surface (a).
4. Preparation for using the glass
mixing palette
Lay the palette into the case base with the unprinted side towards the top.
5. Care instructions
In order to maintain the consistent quality of the mixing palette, it is essential to clean on a regu-
lar basis.
Take the glass mixing palette out of the case base and brush clean under running water or clean
carefully using a steam cleaner.
If used inappropriately, the glass could break and cause a risk of injury.
Clean the case using conventional detergent and then rinse thoroughly under running water.
Do not clean using sharp edged, abrasive or solvent based materials. Please only use
soft brushes or cleaning cloths.
When using Tricolor stains it may happen that vaporized stains fluid etches the plastic lid.
Do not clean the plastic lid with monomers or with liquids containing solvents!
6. Spare parts
1043 0100
Labelling foil crystal, 3 pcs.
9 1044 9991
Housing lay:art big
9 0003 0021
Rest plugs tall lay:art, 4 pcs.
9 0003 0038
Case feet, 4 pcs.
Information on REACH and SVHC is available on our website
, in the Support
Fig. 4
Subject to alteration