Multi-Standard Wireless Communication Module for Bluetooth 5 Low Energy and 802.15.4
R15UH0002EU0103 Rev.1.03
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RF4CE Features
Based on IEEE 802.15.4 Standard, certified RF4CE platform,
with ZRC1.1/ZRC2.0 and MSO profile support
Various transmission options including broadcast
Provides a secured key generation mechanism
Supports a simple pairing mechanism
Only authorized devices are able to communicate
Various power saving modes are supported for all device
Supports AES-128bit encryption and AES-CCM (counter with
the CBC-MAC) mode
Extensible to vendor specific profiles
Renesas extended profile with audio support for voice
command-based searches
Over the air (OTA) firmware upgrade with hardware support
ZigBee Features
Based on IEEE 802.15.4 Standard, certified ZigBee Pro and
ZigBee 3.0 platform, with ZHA/ZLL profile and ZigBee 3.0
device support
Uses multi-hop mesh networking to eliminate single points of
failure and expand the reach of networks
Allows a low power operation with support for the Green
Power feature
Supports networks of thousands of nodes, providing a
networking for the smart home or the smart city
Uses a variety of security mechanisms, such as AES-128
encryption, device, and network keys and frame counters.
Includes all application level functionality of ZigBee Smart
Support seamless interoperability with a wide variety of smart
Over the air (OTA) firmware upgrade with hardware support
6LowPAN and Thread Features
Supports 6LowPAN, IPv6 and DHCPv6
Supports UDP and DTLS
Supports Thread v1.1 and up with Thread security and
Supports networks of 250 nodes or greater
Bluetooth Low Energy Features
Bluetooth 5 support
Long range support with 125Kbps and 500Kbps data rate
Bluetooth Mesh support
Renesas proprietary Mesh support
Bluetooth Low Energy location and up to 8-antenna indoor
positioning support
Renesas extended profile with audio support for voice
command-based searches
Bluetooth Mesh Features
Compatible with Bluetooth Mesh specification 1.0, with
additional features from Renesas enhanced design
Supports flexible mesh control such as N-to-1 and N-to-M
Supports switch control for over 200 nodes without delay
Supports real time status update for over 200 nodes
Secure and safe control and scalable identification within
8/16 groups can be controlled at the same time
128/256 nodes within mesh network
Configurable to more or fewer hops within mesh network,
single hop delay less than 15ms
Flexible RF channel usage with both Bluetooth Low Energy
advertising channels and data channels for good anti-
interference performance
Concurrent Mode Feature
In concurrent mode, the chip supports multiple standard working
concurrently. Typical combination is Bluetooth LE + 802.15.4
based standard (for example ZigBee, Thread, or 6LoWPAN):
Bluetooth Low Energy and 802.15.4 based stacks can run
concurrently with one application state based on time division
technology; for example, Bluetooth Low Energy stack and Thread
stack will run alternately during the divided time slots.
HomeKit Features
Single-chip solution with hardware acceleration for all
HomeKit security operations
Apple (pre-)certified Software Development Kit reference
Conformant to latest HomeKit specification (HAP v2.0)
Tested against Apple HomeKit Accessory Tester and Apple
latest-version iOS HomeKit HOME application
Support for all HAP defined services and characteristics
Support for custom defined HAP services and characteristics
HomeKit custom update over-the-air (OTA) profile for secure
software upgrade