• It can be carried by human power.
• Do not bump or drop the device while you carry it.
-Only the authorized tecnical service personal can change the operation place,
changing the cable of the device (adding, fixing,shorting etc.)
-The all switches on the device should be checked, all the cooking surfaces should
be warmed down before replacement of the device. After replacement the device
the all components of the device should checked again if the device is working or not.
-The device becomes out of warranty if any one makes any replacement instead of
the authorized technical service.
Customer Preparings
• The non flammable compartments should be at least 5 cm close to the device
otherwise distance should be 20 cm for the flammable parts.
• Care about the rules against the fire.
• Please make ready the electrical circuit before you call the authorized technical
service for installing the device.
Montage (Technical Service Responsibility)
-The under set desk should be parralel with the ground and have adjustable legs
when the device is use on it. The device should be located on a flat and
non-flammable surface.
-The safety situations should be checked for the validity before installing the device.
-Do not connect the device instead of the properties written onit.
-The device should be checked after it is installed if it is working or not.
-The device becomes out of warranty if any exparts are used which are not oiginal.