6. If necessary, adjust the perpendicularity of the stylus (azimuth) to record with the hex set screw on the headshell.
7. Rotate the counter weight back and forth to balance the tonearm for equal up and down motion.
8. Set the counter weight’s numbered ring to line up the zero with the index line on the back of the tonearm.
9. Rotate the counter weight so that the desired tracking force is by the index line at the numbered ring.
10. Set the anti-skating force to be the same as the tracking force by rotating the knob at the base.
1. Check stylus pressure and anti-skating adjustment. If you need to exceed 3.0 Grams, you can do it in three ways:
A. By adding small weights to the cartridge mounting headshell after it is balanced. For instance, to get 5 grams, you
can set the arm to 3 grams and then add 2 grams in weights to the headshell.
B. By rotating the weight past 3.0 to 1.0, 1.5, etc. Just add the indicated tracking force to 3.0. So, if you go around once
to 1.0, then the total tracking force is 4.0 Grams.
C. Use a separate tracking force gauge to determine the setting.
2. Check that the turntable is level. If it is deemed too non-level, try leveling the supporting surface first. After that you
will have to rely upon appropriate shimming underneath N-3378's legs.
3. Plug the power cord into an AC power outlet.
1. Place a record on the platter.
2. Place the belt in the appropriate speed diameter. This may take a little practice as the dimensions are tight. If necessary,
you can first loop it around the 78 diameter, and then the sub-platter.
3. Operate the Start/Stop switch to Start, the platter will begin to rotate. The motor will purr slightly.
4. Flip the arm’s cuing lever up to hold the arm off the record’s surface.
4. Place the tonearm playing end over the record. Using the cuing arm, lower the arm to the record surface. The arm drops
at a controlled rate.
For play of vertical records, you should reverse the leads to one channel of your phono cartridge, preferably the channel that
has no connection to the cartridge’s case. This is normally the Red and Green leads. A pre-wired vertical only headshell with
cartridge is available from us.
The following list includes some of those that could be cut vertically: Pathe, Edison, Sapphire, Arya, Lyric, Genet,
Phono-Cut, Star, Crescent, Empire, Mozart, Okeh, Operaphone, Rex, Rishell, Aeolian Vocalion, World Transcription.
1. If you use a record cleaning brush, apply only light pressure to the record and platter.
2. Use only a water-dampened, not wet cloth to clean any surfaces including the dust cover.
3. Be careful of the platter’s surface as it can be marred by improper handling.
4. If the belt gets greasy from improper handling, clean it in warm water with face soap.
5. Lubrication of the bearing should almost never be required. If you do so, wipe the spindle and ball bearing clean. Then
add just enough 10 W 30 motor oil to cover the ball (about 4 drops).
6. If playing metal parts and/or acetates, you may want to use felt mat to protect the platter surface.
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