Minimum Mounting Requirements
The supporting structure and installed base must
be capable of withstanding the following:
A 5000lb (22.2kN) Vertical Load 1q
80000 lb-in (9kN-m) bending moment
150% of the goods capacity at the device’s
maximum reach in all anticipated worst-case
loading directions
For more detailed requirements please contact
REID Lifting.
Verifying the Installation
We recommend that the socket installation is
tested before initial use, particularly when using
resin bonded anchors. When verifying the
installation, testing should be to no more than
125% of the goods capacity at its maximum reach.
All tests should be carried out in all anticipated
worst-case loading directions, sustained for a
duration of 3 minutes.
If the socket installation can’t be tested, each
anchor should be isolated and tested individually
applying the applicable tension and shear
loading. Please contact REID for more details
Following initial socket installation verification
tests, we recommend periodic visual examination
rather than overload tests for the socket or davit.
If, as a result of the visual examination, a load test
is judged to be required, then we recommend a
100% load test and certainly no more than 125%.