Rev 3.1
1 | P a g e
This manual contains information for operating, maintaining and storing the FROG-XT4
personnel carrier. Appropriate training and pre-operational briefings should be provided for
all personnel involved in the use of this device.
Risk awareness and planning
- Crane transfers (like other forms of marine transfer) are
complex operations and operators must take account of a wide range of operational
variables. By their nature they usually require the management of an interface between two
separate organisations (most frequently an installation operator and a vessel operator). It is
essential that all the key risk factors are taken into account and proper planning and
preparation is done and that all personnel involved are aware of their roles and have the
necessary competence to perform them.
Best practice references
- Please refer to Offshore Personnel Transfer by Crane. This is a
separate document that contains comprehensive guidance and information on each element
of operation. It is for those researching, planning, managing or carrying out the safest
possible crane transfers.
10 Golden Rules: Personnel Transfer by Crane video also provides a useful overview of the
key risks and considerations in planning crane transfer operations.
Key references
Offshore Personnel Transfer by Crane, Marine Transfer Forum,
10 Golden Rules: Personnel Transfer by Crane, Reflex Marine,
Safe and proper use of the FROG-XT4 is the responsibility of the user, taking due
consideration to the information provided in this document. The user should ensure
compliance with all relevant legislation and good industry practice.
Control of manual
This manual is controlled by Reflex Marine and may be revised from
time to time. The latest revision may be obtained by contacting RML or by downloading the
For the purposes of this manual RML will be deemed to mean Reflex Marine Limited
All information disclosed in this document is the property of Reflex Marine Ltd except where otherwise stated.
Reflex Marine Ltd reserves all patent rights, design rights, manufacturing rights, copyright and sales use rights
thereto, and to any article disclosed within this document except where such rights are expressly granted to
others or where not applicable to vendor proprietary parts.
© 2016 Copyright Reflex Marine Ltd, all rights reserved.