TMA2Q/LPC2Q Quadrature Tower Mounted Amplifier Instruction Manual
Refer to last page for revision and copyright information, File: TMA2QInstructionManual.doc, Page 5
Where the antenna is installed on a rotator, ultra-flexible coaxial cables, typically 6 mm diameter, should be
used to connect the antenna to the TMA2Q. The cables from the TMA2Q to the LPC2Q should be 10 mm
diameter to minimize transmission losses. The cables from the LPC2Q to the receivers can be 6 mm diameter if
less than a few meters long.
In addition to the major components in the TMA2Q/LPC2Q there are other components or conditions that
introduce phase variations and circuit losses including mismatch and insertion losses. All external RF connections
use type N connectors, which if good quality and properly installed, do not introduce appreciable transmission
losses or phase variations below 500 MHz. Mismatch losses are not discussed here. Typical measured insertion
losses for the TMA2Q and LPC2Q assemblies are shown in figure 3.