Connect the temperature probe into the instrument via the temp socket.
Using the instrument to measure timber you can obtain the automati-
cally temperature corrected (ATC) moisture value. If you need to read
the current temperature of the timber press the
button, then the LCD
will display the temperature. Press the
button again and the LCD will
display the other °C or °F temperature. Press the button and the LCD
will display the moisture value again.
Auto Power-Off Set-up
To change the default auto power-off times press the and buttons
together. Hold the button and press the button to change the auto
power-off time (to either disable the auto power-off or to set it from 1 to 9
minutes) by changing the code.
0 disables the auto power-off function, 1 sets the instrument to auto
power-off in one minute, 2 sets it to two minutes, 3 to three minutes, and
respectfully up to 9 for nine minutes for the instrument to auto power-off.
Calibration Check
There are two checked calibrators in the cap of this instrument. When
checking the calibration, the A scale should be selected and the tempera-
ture probe must be disconnected. Use the needle to touch the two poles
of calibrator. If correctly calibrated, the instrument will register %H
values in the range 17.7 to 18.3 (at the “T” calibration) and in the range
25.5 to 26.5 (at “B” calibration). If the range is over +/-1 the Instrument
can’t accurately measure the moisture of timber. Open the back cover and
adjust the rheostat to make the tolerance meet the range.
Care and Maintenance
When the instrument is not in use, keep it in its pouch together with its
accessories. Store the kit in a stable, dust-free environment out of direct
sunlight. Remove the batteries from the instrument if it is to be stored for
periods of more than one month, or when the battery symbol appears on
the display. Be sure to check the condition of the accessories used with
this instrument on a regular basis and replace them if they become worn
or damaged.