Pantone 534 Blue
Pantone 123 Yellow
Pantone 485 Red
Pantone 123 Yellow
Pantone 534 Blue
Rich Black -
Blue - 100/80/30/5
Yellow - 0/27/100/0
Red - 10/100/100/5
Yellow - 0/27/100/0
Blue - 100/80/30/5
Only if you REALLY need them:
Pantone 534 Blue - 100/80/30/5
Pantone 485 Red - 10/100/100/5
Pantone 123 Yellow - 0/27/100/
Operating Instructions
The Line Splitter provides a means to cleanly “open” a standard 120V AC
line cord in order to take clamp type current measurements. When con-
nected between the 120V AC wall outlet and the measuting unit, a clamp
meter can then be clamped around one of the two test openings in the
splitter. One opening provides a one-to-one current reading and the other
provides a times-ten (X10) reading so that smaller currents will display
with better resolution on a clamp meter.
Current Measurements
1. Plug the AC Line Splitter into the 120V receptacle
2. Plug the line cord from the load into the AC Line Splitter socket
3. Close the clamp-on jaws around either the X1 or X10 arm of the
AC Line Splitter
4. If the X1 position is used, read the current directly on the meter
5. If the X10 position is used, divide the meter reading by 10 to
obtain the actual current
Voltage Measurements
1. Plug the AC Line Splitter into the 120V receptacle
2. Insert the multimeter test leads into the two voltage test jacks
3. Read the voltage on the multimeter
NOTE: The line cord is made to fit in an North American standard sized
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