Operating Instructions
Measuring Procedure
1. Plug in the F-probe or NF-probe and place it away from any
substrate or other metal materials.
2. Press the power button to turn on the meter and to perform the
auto calibration, which takes 3 seconds.
3. The meter will recognize the probe and display F or NF on the
LCD screen.
4. Select the measurement unit by pressing µm/mil button, which
will appear on the LCD screen.
5. Place the probe on a coating layer to be measured.
6. The LCD screen will display the thickness of the coating layer.
7. The reading can be corrected by removing the probe from the
layer and by pressing the plus or minus button.
8. To take another measurement, lift the probe to more than 1
centimeter and then repeat steps 5-7.
9. Turn the meter off by pressing the Power button. The meter will
also turn off after 2 minutes of inactivity.
Zero Adjustment
1. Plug in the F-probe or NF-probe and place it away from any
substrate or other metal materials.
2. Press the power button to turn on the meter and to perform the
auto calibration, which will last 3 seconds.
3. Place the probe on a substrate.
4. Press the Zero button and ‘0' will appear on the display.
5. Do not press the Zero button if the probe is not placed on
a substrate.
6. Select an appropriate calibration foil according to your
measurement range.
7. Place the standard foil onto the substrate. Place the sensor gently
onto the standard foil and lift.
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