Pantone 534 Blue
Pantone 123 Yellow
Pantone 485 Red
Pantone 123 Yellow
Pantone 534 Blue
Rich Black -
Blue - 100/80/30/5
Yellow - 0/27/100/0
Red - 10/100/100/5
Yellow - 0/27/100/0
Blue - 100/80/30/5
Only if you REALLY need them:
Pantone 534 Blue - 100/80/30/5
Pantone 485 Red - 10/100/100/5
Pantone 123 Yellow - 0/27/100/
Data Transfer from SD card to Computer (EXCEL Software)
1) After Datalogging, remove the SD card from the SD card slot.
2) Plug in the SD card into the Computer’s SD card slot or insert the
SD card into the optional SD card adapter and connect to your
Computer. Turn your computer on and a folder will appear on your
desktop representing you SD card.
3) Open “Microsoft EXCEL”. Download the EXCEL files from the SD
Card to the computer by opening up the SD folder and selecting
the desired EXCEL files, and drag-and-drop them onto your Com-
puter. Open the files with EXCEL (File – Open).
4) The EXCEL file will have the following column headers in this order:
Place (Position Number), Date (Year/Month/Day), Time (in 24h
clock), Value, and Unit.
Advanced Settings
During normal functions (not Datalogging), press and hold the SET Button
for 2 seconds to enter the “Advanced Setting” mode. Press the Next But-
ton scroll through eight main functions, shown on the lower display:
Set clock time (Year/Month/Date, Hour/Minute/Second)
Set SD card Decimal character
Auto power OFF management
Set beeper sound ON/OFF
Set sampling time (Hour/Minute/Second)
Sd F
SD memory card Format
While in the “Advanced Setting” function, press the Esc Button to exit and
to return to normal functioning.