Setup Option #1: Default
No router changes or configuration is required
when using a RedPort-certified compression email
program like XGate or compression web-browsing
client XWeb. The router is configured to allow this
c through.
XGate/XWeb users should refer to the RedPort
Optimizer Quick Start Guide when using Optimizer
Voice in this mode. This guide can be found online
at http://www.redportglobal.com/support/
Setup Option #2:
Optimum Setup
While the default configuration works well for
bandwidth over-utilization protection, you can give
users more freedom of Internet use and still control
overall usage costs by using the Optimum setup,
which enables the Captive Portal on the Optimizer
With the Optimum setup, users must log in through
the captive portal before they can access the
Internet. Once logged in, they can access
whatever they want (as long as it is not on a
predefined filter or firewall list).