AN-30 System User Manual
gateway, params: IPGATEWAY in format a.b.c.d
The IP address of the default gateway. Not implememted for
tdm set
vlandata, params: VID_DATA
The VLAN ID used to tag all ingress traffic at the data port of the AN-30.
The VID_DATA parameter should be a decimal number between 0 and 4095
vlanvoice, params: VID_VOICE
The VLAN ID used to tag all TDM traffic from the T1/E1 Serial Interface ports 1 to 4.
The VID_VOICE parameter should be a decimal number between 0 and 4095
clock, params: CLK_IND
The clocking information on the T1/E1 module.
Parameter CLK_IND has the following meaning:
CLK_IND Definition
0 internal
1 loopback
2 adaptive
Internal clocking should be selected to set the AN-30 as the T1/E1 transmit clocking
Loopback clocking (aka network clocking) should be selected to have the AN-30
extract it’s T1/E1 transmit clock from the T1/E1 receive signal of a serial interface
Adaptive clocking should be selected, at the remote side of the wireless link, to have
the AN-30 continuously adapt its T1/E1 transmit clock. In the case of adaptive
clocking the AN-30 uses its internal clocking reference and adapts its transmit clock
based on information extracted from the fill level of the jitter buffer for the serial
interface port specified with the
command. On a typical link one AN-30 is
always set to adaptive clocking, while the other end can be set for internal or
syncon, params: SYNC_ON
Parameter SYNC_ON must be specified if clocking is set to ‘loopback’ or ‘adaptive’.
SYNC_ON specifies the serial interface port to be used as clocking reference. In this
case, the designated serial interface MUST have at least one active bundle at the time
tdm save
” command is issued, otherwise “
tdm save
” will return non-ack. If clocking
is ‘internal’, this command is ignored.
idlecode, params: IDLECODE
The idle code for unused timeslots on all of the serial interface ports.
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Redline Communications
…..solving the first mile challenge