Chapter 5 AN100U/UX Troubleshooting
Redline Communications Inc. Confidential and Proprietary
Step 4
Login to the subscriber unit CLI as outlined in “Connecting to the Subscriber Unit
Command Line Interface” on page 2-6.
Step 5
Enter the following command:
phyConfig show
Step 6
Check the values of the corresponding subscriber unit parameter and ensure they match
the values from the sector controllers.
Refer to the appropriate user guide for instructions on configuring each of these
Cable Compensation
The term "cable compensation" refers to the amplification of the signal traveling up the IF
cable to the ODU, that is provided by the AN100U. Depending on the cable characteristics
(such as length, and quality) the AN100U will have to vary its amplification to achieve
signal levels appropriate for stable communication.
The cable compensation-related error/warning messages are not displayed when
HTB is used.
Step 1
Login to the Web interface as outlined in “Connecting to the Sector Controller Web Client”
on page 2-4.
Step 2
Check the sector controller event log, as outlined in “Monitoring System Event Logs” on
page 2-6. If you do not see the message "Cable Compensation OK" at the beginning of the
event log, it means that the quality of the cable was such that the AN100U was not able to
compensate for the loss, introduced by the cable, and thus communication with your ODU
will likely be unreliable.
The value shown in the event log is not important for practical purposes. It is the value
used internally by the AN100U when calculating the gain necessary. This value is
dependent on the calibration data stored within the ODU, and is not exposed via the user
Channel Size MHz Bandwidth (kHz)
This is the channel size. Available options are based on
the type of radio installed.
Guard Interval
The OFDM implementation uses a guard interval between
each of the sub-channels. This guard interval is filled with
redundant data taken from the end of the same channel
symbol and repeated at the beginning of each channel
Table 5-6
AN100U/UX PHY Parameters (continued)
Sector Controller
Subscriber Unit