Chapter 5 AN100U/UX Troubleshooting
Redline Communications Inc. Confidential and Proprietary
Step 4
If your service flow counters are indicating uplink throughput, yet you are still having
connectivity issues, then the problem is most likely upstream of the AN100U/UX. Call the
Redline technical support department if you still have concerns about the RedMAX system.
Step 5
If the service flow counters show no uplink throughput, and you are certain that the
problem is not related to provisioning, verify that the packets are being received properly
by the SU.
Step 6
Log into your subscriber unit using the super/super credentials and enter the following
Step 7
Wait 15 seconds then type "brgStat" again. Observe the difference between the two values
of "Ethernet pkts received". Are they incrementing by an appropriate rate? If not, the
problem is downstream of the SU, and you'll need to trace it out yourself. If so, take a look
at the counter for "Ethernet pkts sent to class". Does it equal "Ethernet pkts received"? If
not, the packets being received by the subscriber unit may be corrupted. It's also possible
that you've hit the maximum number of MAC addresses for this SU, as specified in the
AN100U/UX's "Subscriber" menu.
Step 8
If the counters in step 5 are incrementing appropriately, but the uplink service flow counters
still show no throughput, call Redline technical support for assistance.
Step 9
Type "myQuit" to exit the SU's shell, then type "monitor". Observe the "UlByteCount"
statistic (1st column, 9th row). Is it incrementing as expected? If not, then the problem is
related to provisioning.
Step 10 Verify your classification, and ensure that your sector is not over-subscribed to the point
of not having sufficient bandwidth to grant the required allocation to the subscriber.
Software Upgrade Issues
Both the AN100U/UX and the subscriber unit use the FTP protocol for software
upgrades.You can specify the user name and password to be used when upgrading sector
controllers; however the subscriber unit uses a default user name of "target", and a default
password of "secret". These values cannot be changed.
If the file transfer process is failing, use the following troubleshooting procedure to isolate
the problem:
Step 1
Verify the IP address of the FTP server.
Step 2
Verify that the IP address of the FTP server has been entered correctly at the CLI:
Login to the CLI as outlined in “Connecting to the Subscriber Unit Command Line
Interface” on page 2-6.