098D 201910
Helping arm at right side is auxiliary device of tyre
changer for helping operator to demount and mount tyre.
5.1. Components
The operation component of the auxiliary arm is the
rise-fall control valve D, the function as below:
The rise-fall control valve D is used for lifting the
pressing roller assembly to suit all the required height of
demount/mount tyre changer.(fig 2) The control valve D up,
then the tire pressing roller rise; the control valve D down,
then the tire pressing roller fall.(fig 6)
5.2. Operation
It is difficult to demount and mount big low profile tyre.
If operation is proper, it is very easy to use helping arm
device to demount and mount tyre from rim. The helping arm
device may also be used when demounting and mounting
normal tyre with resistance.
Clamp rim
Firstly, press both side tyre loose as per operation
instruction in user’s manual. Force of demounting and
mounting is big when helping arm device is used. And rim
may be damaged easily. It is recommended that to clamp rim
from outside
jaw protector may be installed on jaws
. Tread relevant pedal to make jaws open to
clamp edge of rim, move helping arm’s rotary arm to far-end. Put on tyre, tread relevant pedal to make
jaws close and to approach rim
b. Demount tyre
1. Press tyre with tire pressing roller assembly to a position 3cm lower than rim edge, lubricate
tyre bead, rotate turntable, lift tire pressing roller assembly. (Fig 7)
2. Move demounting/mounting head close to edge of rim, keep a 2-3mm gap between
demounting/mounting head and rim plane
operate locking handle
Fig 9
to lock vertical arm
adjust screw bolt in column to position swing arm, make sure 2-3mm gap between
demounting/mounting head and rim edge side
Fig 8
Fig 7
Fig 6
Fig 10
Fig 9