RS-485 Serial Communications
The optional RS-485 serial communication interface provides two-way
communication between the controller and other compatible equipment such
as a printer, PLC, HMI, or a host computer. In multipoint applications, each
controller can be configured with a unique node address ranging from 0-99.
Through this serial interface, data from the controller can be interrogated or
changed, alarm output(s) reset and Auto-tune invoked.
Since the same pair of wires are used for both transmit and receive, only
one-way communication is possible at a time. The controller has a variable
response time, to allow the host device adequate time to release the
communication line after issuing a command to the controller.
Configuration Software
The Serial communications option is necessary to work with Red Lion
Control’s Windows based SFCRM software. This software allows for easy
controller parameter configuration by computer. These settings can be saved
to a disk file for later use or used for multi-controller down loading. On-line
help is provided within the software.
Controller Configuration
The controller’s serial communication format is configured in Serial
Communication Program Module 6-SC using the front panel. Baud rate and
character frame must be matched to the other communicating device. The node
address parameter is a unique address number assigned to each slave unit on the
Sending Commands And Data
When sending commands to the controller, a command string of ASCII
characters must be constructed. The string varies in length depending on the
nature of the command. At most, a command string consists of a Controller
(Node) Address number (not required for address of 0), a Command Code
character, a Register Identification character (for most commands),
Numerical Data (if writing data to the controller) and ending with a string
Terminator of “*” or “$”. The controller will not respond with an error
message to invalid commands.
Sending Numeric Data
Data written to individual registers must be limited to the registers
numerical data range (See Register Identification Table). If more digits are
sent, the controller only accepts the last four digits of the numeric data.
Negative numbers must have a minus sign. The controller ignores any
decimal point and conforms the number to the register identification
resolution. (Example: “25” is written to the proportional band register. The
value recorded by the register is now 2.5. If a value of 25% is intended, write a
value of 25.0 or 250.
Controller (Node) Address
Controller Node
Address Specifier
Target a specific controller with the next
Command. Must be followed by a one or two
digit (0-99) controller node address number. Not
required for a node address of 0.
Commands Table
Read Value
Read value register command. Must be followed
by Register ID character A-M, BB, HC, or W.
Write Value
Write value register command. Must be followed
by Register ID character B-H or J-M and
appropriate Numeric Data.
Reset Alarm
Write alarm register command. Must be followed
by Register ID character G or H.
Control Action
Write control register command. Must be
followed by Register ID character S-U with
Numeric Data of 1 or 2.
Print Block
Read block register command. Allows multiple
reads with one command.