General information on nicotine (where available)
To avoid an overdose of nicotine, slowly accustom yourself
using e-cigarettes properly and in the right doses. If you absorb
too much nicotine, it may lead to dizziness, nausea, or circulato
ry problems. In such cases, you should reduce the nicotine dose
or draw less on the e-cigarette, or at reduced intervals.
Escape of liquid from the tank
Incorrect use of the device may lead to liquid leaking from the
atomizer. Accidental ingestion of the liquid should not cause
adverse reactions, but if any symptoms such as dizziness or
headaches occur, retrain of further use. While not harmful in
minor amounts, liquid doesn‘t taste pleasant, so we recommend
rinsing your mouth well with water if ingested.
The fluid inside the tank can leak when the battery is weake
ned and you take a heavy drags. This can cause the atomizer
to not develop sufficient power and not all of the liquid may
be vaporised.
Correct handling
If the performance of the vaporiser is dwindling, replace
or charge the battery.
Draw on the cigarette less intensely.
Draw less frequently.