4D Armrest
RECARO Star – Lifestyle Swivel Chairs
Pull lever upwards – mechanics is fixed.
The RECARO Star – Lifestyle Swivel Chairs are especially designed for the
daily use at home and at work.
Seat height setting
Pull lever upwards – height can be set.
Changes to the seat inclination / free swinging
Release lever – seat height is fixed again.
You can use your swivel chair fixed (3 positions possibly) or constantly
movable in the free swinging mode.
Press lever down and press with the upper part of the body against the back
rest (security release) – free swinging function is activated.
For the individual adjusting regarding the body weight of the user using the
free swinging function the lever at the mechanics has to be pulled out:
Adjustable in height and inclination.
• adjustable regarding width – lever under the seat
Seat lengthening – according to model
Spring tension settings
counter clockwise – lower counterpressure – for lightweight user
Inclinations of the back support:
Reach under the seat front and pull the seat with the handle bar located under
the desired position.
4D armrests
• support plate 360° rotateable – push button on the inside of the support
• horizontally adjustable – by shifting the support plate
clockwise – higher counterpressure – for heavy user
• height adjustable – push button at the outside of the armrest
Adjustable headrest – according to model
Armrest adjustment by turning the handweels on the left and/or on the right.
Basic condition for the longevity of the RECARO Star – Lifestyle
Swivel Chair is the correct setting of the mechanics on the weight of the user.
4D armrests are: