User Manual of Cross Hair
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third-party controller (Joystick).
2.2.15 Mouse settings
These settings are dedicated for mouse controlling.
Typically in FPS games, you will have two modes of shooting: HIP and ADS (Aim Down
Sight), so you have to set them separately. The bigger the value, the faster the mouse
movement. You can change them to a suitable value, according to your mouse and game.
Normally, Cross Hair will activate HIP sensitivity, but when the ADS mode is enabled in
game by a corresponding key. The ADS sensitivity will be activated too. This is designed
to improve the control of some weapons with optics.
Please remember to set mouse’s DPI and game’s LOOK sensitivity to maximum first. And
after these two procedures are done, if the mouse is too slow, you need to set HIP and
ADS sensitivity to a bigger value. If the mouse is too fast, you need to set HIP and ADS
sensitivity to a smaller value.
As for YX Ratio, it’s the ratio of mouse’s Y and X direction movement speed. Do not
change it, unless you understand its meaning.
2.2.16 Steering wheel settings
These parameters are only for racing games in legacy mode!
Choose your wheel from this drop-down menu
Vibration Strength:
A bigger value means stronger vibration on the steering wheel, a
smaller value means weaker vibration on the steering wheel.
FFB Strength: Force Feedback strength
A bigger value means stronger feedback