Flexcom Kommunikációs Kft
Üzembehelyezési és használati útmutató (2021/11/23)
Setting the sleep time
During the specified period, the
watch measures the rotation of
its owner (during sleep), or at
the end of the period set here,
the data of the previous step
count and rotation
measurements are deleted
Wake up
The device sounds an alarm at
the specified time. If you turn
on repeat, it will repeat on all or
the specified days.
Pedometer (sports function)
Bekapcsolása esetén a
készülék (a funkció
kikapcsolásáig) lépésszámlálást
végez, melynek eredménye a
szoftverben lekérdezhető.
Pedometer period
Schedule the pedometer
function. The countdown is
activated every day for the
specified period.
Blood pressure, pulse and
blood oxygen level
As a result of this command,
the device measures blood
pressure, pulse and blood
oxygen levels and sends the
measured values to the central
Temperature measurement
As a result of this command,
the device measures the
temperature and sends the
measured value to the central
Scheduled heart rate and
blood pressure
Set repetitions for heart rate
and blood pressure
Scheduled temperature
Setting temperature
measurement iterations.
Fall detection
Turn fall detection on or off.